There is no "best solution", the optimal knife profile depends on the tape and the material on which you want to stick the tape.
1. Rotary cutting rules
There are several manufacturer which offers rotary cutting rules. We used Böhler rules. Rotary cutting rules show a serrated cutting edge for easy penetration into the board.
- This knife produces a semi-straight, toothed cutting line
- There are different tooth profil available
- Sometimes it is not easy to buy Rotary cutting rules
- With some type of adhasive bands the knife collects the glue and dirt between teeth
- You have to cut the blade to insert it into the machine.
2. Martor Nr. 763 blades.
- Quiete a sharp knife
- This knife produces a semi-straight, toothed cutting line
- The manufcturer is going to finish the manufacturing of this knife.
- You have to cut the blade in two to insert it into the machine.
3. OLFA MCB-1 knife.
- This knife is available worldwide in paper od decoration shops in 5 pcs. packets. So you can get is easily.
- You can mount it without any modification into the Paperfox Tape dispensers.
- Very sharp knife, so it cuts even the strong tapes.
- Because of the simly shape of the knife it don't collects the glue and dirt between teeth.
- The cutted ends of the tape are not sraight they are "V" shaped.
- If the tape is not symmetric (assimmetric finger lift tapes) it can push the tape aside.
- This knife is drangerous, it can couse injuries.